Z2 Group - Accountants and tax specialists in Hertfordshire

Business Development

Topical articles and guides from Z2 Group

Common sources of investment funding for SMEs

Small UK businesses have a variety of investment sources available, depending on their needs and stage of development. Here’s a look at some of the most common options…

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are widely used across industries in the UK to measure success and performance. Here are some of the top KPIs commonly used in various sectors…

Stand out from the crowd

When your results evidence success, and you are in a minority at that time, then you will stand out from the crowd…

Creative solutions to raise finance as interest rates remain high

Being open to innovation and thinking creatively can help businesses access funding while minimising the impact of high interest rates in their financial endeavours…

The power of management accounting and cloud software for SMEs

Harnessing the power of management accounting, coupled with cloud accounting software, can provide SMEs with powerful tools to enhance decision-making, streamline processes and fuel growth…

Why the anti-fragile approach will support your business

The concept was introduced by writer, statistician and risk analyst Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder…

Prepare your business for the next big challenge

Take steps to maintain profitability and stay solvent…

Investing to increase profits

The UK tax code has numerous reliefs and allowances that reduce tax when businesses invest in qualifying assets…

The value of objectivity

Many business owners feel qualified to act on their subjective conclusions, what if you have failed to consider all the possible risks?..

Dynamic Economic Planning

To be of use to your business, plans need to be flexible. And there are sound commercial reasons for this approach…

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